Terms and conditions

Effective from 18 July 2024.

The services offered to you via www.shiperise.com and its affiliated websites in the format Brand.shiperise.com (the "Site") are offered by Shiperise SA (the “Company”), a limited company incorporated under Belgian law, registered with the Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises under company VAT number BE 0803.121.891, having its registered office at 272 Avenue Brugmann, 1180 Brussels.

Shiperise acts as a merchandise consignment entity and distributor for related Brands (the “Brands”). If you are an individual, an company representative or owner (a “User”), a member or shareholder of an Brand that uses Shiperise's services (the "Brand"), or if you have received a mandate from one of the above categories ("Representatives"), you may use the Site.

These General Terms and Conditions describe the rules that apply to :

  • any browsing and use of the Site;

  • the services and functionalities offered by Shiperise on the Site for visitors who have created an account(s) on the Site ("Users").

Please read them carefully before browsing the Site or using our services.

1. General operation

This Site enables Users to :

(1)   make commercial orders (with or without VAT)

(2)   as well as to subscribe to financial instruments (Treasury Notes) exclusively on its own Balance sheet and pertaining to real assets of merchandise & inventory held exclusively by the Company. Any transactions on financial instruments are exclusively performed in the framework of a specific country Jurisdiction as stated on each transactional page and for a specifically given audience (for instance, as stated in the specific section and offer “the offer is available for individuals and company in Belgium for a maximum amount of 5 000 EUR per offer”). Additional Terms & Condition of each transaction has to be signed by Users in a specific e-signature system provided to them upon registration of interest or transaction request.

Brands and their Representative may be given access to the Site to update and otherwise use the transactional features for commercial related transactions.

Once the User has created an account in compliance with the requested instructions (in particular by accepting the Terms and Conditions and providing the requested information), which will have the authorisations set by the Site, it twill become a User.

The creation of an account enables Users to carry out actions via their account on the Site (the "Actions") and to have access to other features of the Site reserved for Users.

Users undertake to keep their user names and passwords reserved for them (the "Confidential Codes") strictly confidential and in particular not to pass them on, divulge them or leave them accessible to third parties. All Users are prohibited from accessing the pages reserved for another User using the Confidential Codes of which they have become aware by any means whatsoever, with or without the knowledge of the latter, except in the event of a specific mandate granted by this other User under their full and entire responsibility.

Shiperise may - at the express request of a User - access a User's account to assist in the event of a technical problem.

2. Proof

Users agree that all recordings made by Shiperise of data relating to Users' accounts and Actions on the Site and, in particular, to access to the Site and to accounts in Shiperise's information systems shall have the same evidential value as an original signed paper document, in the absence of proof to the contrary.

3. Responsibilities and obligations

Users agree to use the Site and the dedicated web areas accessible via their account(s) in a manner that will not cause, or would not reasonably cause, loss of reputation or damage to the Brand or Shiperise. Users agree to follow the instructions of the Brand and the Company with respect to the use of the Site and their account(s).

Users undertake not to use services or features for which they do not have the rights or for which they do not accept the General Terms and Conditions.

All users declare that they are fully aware of the fact that, whenever required, only the Company verifies the identity of the person who uses a User's Confidential Codes to access their account and perform Actions. the Company has the right to assume that each Action on the Site account using a User's Confidential Codes has been carried out by that User or with that User's authorisation. Except in the case of fraud or gross negligence on the part of the Company, the User alone shall bear all financial or other consequences resulting from the fraudulent or unauthorised use of his Confidential Codes by a third party, whether a User or not.

In general, it is the responsibility of the Brand to fulfil all legal and regulatory obligations. Use of the Site is intended as a means of assisting the Brand in fulfilling these obligations but it is the responsibility of the Brand to ensure that these functions are carried out in compliance with the law and regulations.

Users are responsible for all actions they take on the Site, including decisions, questions, messages, etc. that they publish on the Site using the Site's functionalities, and for their content. the Company cannot be held responsible for the consequences of fraudulent, illicit, prejudicial or unauthorised use of these questions and messages by Brands, Users or third parties.

the Company  shall act honestly, fairly and professionally, as would be expected of any professional in their field. The Company 's services are provided on a best effort basis.

Although the Company endeavours at all times to make its Site available to Users in a continuous and uninterrupted manner, the Company  cannot guarantee that (i) the Site will be able to satisfy all User requests and (ii) that it will never be interrupted, that it will always be accessible and that it will not contain errors or omissions.

In particular, the Company  reserves the right to interrupt access to the Site and/or certain of its functionalities at any time and without prior notice, for technical, maintenance or any other reason, and in particular in order to prevent fraud, misuse of the Site, etc.

the Company shall not be liable to Users for any damage that results or will result, directly or indirectly, from the use or provision of the Site, unless (and to the extent that) the damage is the direct result of gross negligence or wilful default on the part of the Company in providing the services associated with the Site.

4. Restriction of access to the Site

The Company reserves the right to prohibit access to all or part of the Site to any User who violates the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, who uses the Site and its content for illicit, fraudulent or unauthorised purposes, or in a manner that is prejudicial or does not comply with their objectives, or who may damage the name and reputation of The Company , without prejudice to any other recourse or claim for compensation.

5. Termination by a User

The contractual relationship under these Terms and Conditions is for an indefinite period. A User may, at any time and at no cost, decide to terminate the contractual relationship by cancelling his/her account(s).

For more information on how long we keep your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

It is understood, however, that all information received from Users in the course of fulfilling the Brands' legal obligations (such as questions and votes at formal meetings) will be retained permanently as part of those legal obligations.

6. Termination by The Company

The Company may unilaterally decide to exclude a User for legitimate reasons, or in order to comply with a legal obligation or an injunction. In this case, the Company shall inform the User of the termination of the relationship unilaterally and with immediate effect, without prior warning or compensation, by e-mail.

7. Death of a User

In the event of the death of a User, the heirs and/or successors must inform the Brand. Upon notification by the Brand, the Company  will take the necessary measures.

8. Hyperlinks

By means of hyperlinks, the Site provides access to third-party websites or websites operated by third parties. The Company  cannot be held responsible for access to these third-party websites by a User and cannot incur any liability in connection with the visit to and use of these websites with regard to the content, products and services available on or from these websites. Nor can The Company  be considered as publishing or approving these websites or their content. The rules applicable to the Site cease to apply as soon as the User accesses such a third-party website using the hypertext links available on the Site.

9. Modification of the Site and the General Terms and Conditions

The Company  reserves the right, without informing Users, to modify and update access to the Site at any time, as well as all or part of the content of the Site, and in particular to delete, update or insert information and/or functionalities on the Site at any time. These modifications and updates to the Site apply to Users with immediate effect.

The Company  also reserves the right to modify the General Terms and Conditions at any time. These changes will apply to Users with immediate effect from the date on which the new Terms and Conditions are posted on the Site. Any User who has not cancelled his/her account before the new Terms and Conditions come into force shall be deemed to have accepted them.

The updated version will be available via a hypertext link at the bottom of each page of the Site.

10. Duration

The General Terms and Conditions apply for as long as the user has one or more accounts on the Site.

11. Miscellaneous

It is understood that the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions are divisible. The invalidity or inapplicability of (part of) one of the stipulations or clauses of these General Terms and Conditions shall not result in the invalidity or inapplicability of the remainder of that provision or of any other provision of these General Terms and Conditions. It is agreed that any such provision or clause shall be replaced by a provision which is enforceable, and which is as similar in substance as possible to the unenforceable provision.

12. Avoidance of conflicts of interest

The Company  undertakes to comply with the legal rules applicable to conflicts of interest.

13. Complaints / Technical issues

Any claim or complaint or technical problem from a User concerning browsing on the Site or from a User concerning fraudulent or unauthorised use of their account, must be sent as soon as possible to The Company  by e-mail to the following address: hello[at]shiperise .com

14. Applicable law and jurisdiction

All disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Belgian law.

The User irrevocably accepts that the courts of Brussels (French-speaking section) have sole jurisdiction to settle any dispute arising from or in connection with these General Terms and Conditions.